What Burns More Calories An Elliptical Or A Treadmill?

 Whatburnsmore calories an elliptical or a treadmill? This is a question many people haveasked themselves and have had various answers. After years of using both, I cansafely say that the elliptical takes on more calories because of the smooth,even motion. With that said, the amount of calories burned while running on atreadmill is not nearly as great as when using an elliptical. In fact, thecalorie burn while walking or jogging on an elliptical is comparable to justburning off about two tablespoons of fat from your body.


Forthe most part, the reason for this is that the treadmill is more of an aerobicexercise. On the other hand, an elliptical can burn a tremendous amount of fatsince it is a cardiovascular type of workout. It also includes a stretchingcomponent that helps tone muscles. The treadmill is not as intense as anelliptical. But, since it requires more work on the cardiovascular system andmore effort on the muscles, it can help you lose weight quicker.


Oneof the best ways to lose weight is to increase the amount of activity you do ona daily basis. This means increasing the amount of walking, jogging, biking, orrunning that you get into. But, it also means increasing the amount of timethat you spend in each activity. Some people spend three hours per day walkingand only one hour on the bike. Those people would be surprised at how muchcalorie burn they are actually getting by changing their routines.


Walkingand jogging on an elliptical is the equivalent of doing thirty minutes ofaerobics per day. In other words, it can be considered as moderate exercise. Ifyou do the same amount of activity, but on a circuit trainer, you will beburning about twice as many calories. So, if you want to burn a lot of caloriesin a short amount of time, this type of trainer may be the way to go. This isbecause it allows you to be constantly changing your activity so that you burnmore calories throughout the day.


Thebiggest drawback to an elliptical trainer is that you need to have room in yourhouse or apartment for the machine. It can get quite expensive. On the otherhand, you can use the stationary bicycle or even a stair climber to build upyour calorie burn during your free time. You can also use a rowing machine toget an all-over cardiovascular workout and get some calorie burn from there, too.


So,now you know What burns more calories an Elliptical or a Treadmill. There are many more factors toconsider when choosing a fitness program. The choice is yours. What isimportant is that you find a way to burn calories and get healthy.


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