What is Private Limited Company Registration

A private limited company is treated as a business entity dealt completely by private ownership. In this type of company registration, the provisions of the company Act 2013 apply. For a private limited company registration, it is mandatory to have four roles defined sorted namely 2 Directors and 2 Shareholders. It is not necessary to have four different people to be part of the Pvt Ltd company registration, a person can act as both the shareholder and one of the directors. The primary reason to register a private company is the status of the separate legal entity i.e. the incorporation of the company would be of limited liability company and the shareholders are only accountable for the unpaid amount held by them and. The overall procedure of company incorporation is smoother and effective as the costs are considered reasonable in nature.

Private Limited company Registration is the goto method of company formation for people who are looking into the startup registration route as it is very easy to get the seed funding from the angel investors as all the basics are legally established. The procedures are minimal with regards to documents for setting up a private company in India and are ready off the bat to get the investment from ventures hence, many people prefer registering for a private business.

A trademark can be a word, name, label, color combination or numbers that are used by businesses to differentiate their goods or services from other same goods or services made in different businesses. For Nestle and Cadbury both are chocolates but have different marks.

Trademarks in India are classified by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademark registration is under the Trademark Act, 1999 and give the trademark owner the authority to sue for losses when infringements of trademarks happen. Registered trademarks are intellectual property for business, they are used to safeguard the company’s investment in the brand or symbol. Trademarks are necessary to get registrable if it is unique for the products and services you give. The maximum of the businesses usually looks for registration of the logo or name only. If you have come up with a unique idea or logo, then the only alternative to save it as your own unique identity is to patent it. A registered trademark is your business’s intellectual property or intangible asset. It serves as a protecting cover of the company’s investment made in the logo or brand.

Once a trademark registration the process is done, there could be trademark objection which must be replied before getting the R symbol can be used and the registration will become valid for 10 years. After 10 years the trademark can be renewed, you just have to apply for a trademark renewal application before the expiry date of your trademark.


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