Three Ways to Solve the Climate Crisis
Many Global Warming Alarmists are out in full force these days telling us that soon it will be hell on Earth with extreme weather, droughts, parched lands, locusts and a myriad of other problems such as sea levels rising some 18-feet. Of course all these folks say the only way to stop it is to stop polluting the atmosphere with CO2. Indeed, that will not be enough to offset the normal cycles of such a Planet. Presently there perhaps additional much more practical options for example growing a few two Million Trees and shrubs as well as every time a organization creates much more CARBON DIOXIDE they have to purchase the actual growing of this quantity of trees and shrubs or even end up being punished which price. Each individual delivered indicates much more 3 much more trees and shrubs should be grown too and also the internet lack of trees and shrubs should be looked after through extra growing. Another possible way to solve the climate crisis would be to ...